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Relaxed & Comfortable Dentistry: Nitrous Oxide Sedation at Panther Creek Dental
At Panther Creek Dental, we understand that many of our patients feel anxious about setting foot in a dentist’s office. Our goal is to provide you with the highest level of dental care while ensuring you are comfortable throughout any treatment. One of the ways we do that is by offering nitrous oxide sedation.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation: An Overview
Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is the most commonly used sedation dentistry form that helps ease mild to moderate fear and anxiety. We’ll administer a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a mask. You’ll be awake and responsive during treatment but will feel relaxed and comfortable.
What Are the Benefits of Nitrous Oxide Sedation?
The following are some reasons why many of our valued patients opt for nitrous oxide sedation:
- Laughing gas produces a sense of relaxation and reduces any fear and anxiety.
- Nitrous oxide sedation dulls the feeling of pain, so when administered in combination with local anesthesia, you'll enjoy comfortable dental care.
- Nitrous oxide sedation helps the dentist and the patient complete more dental treatments in fewer appointments.
Are You a Candidate for Nitrous Oxide Sedation?
Candidates for sedation dentistry include patients with dental phobia, a real fear of going to the dentist, and individuals with a bad gag reflex, tooth sensitivity, a low pain threshold, or medical, physical, and behavioral needs. Additionally, it is also helpful for patients that have a hard time getting numb and those requiring lengthy and complex dental procedures.
Is Nitrous Oxide Safe?
Nitrous oxide sedation has been shown to be a safe and effective way to alleviate your anxiety and allow you to enjoy comfortable dental care. While sedated, we will use audio and video safety features to monitor you closely to ensure you are safe throughout treatment. As with any treatment, it is important to let us know if you have any health concerns or if you're on any medications.